Many of us snore. Snoring is produced by vibrations in the respiratory structures due to partial obstruction of the upper airways during sleep. It is a common phenomenon that can affect anyone at any time in their lives.
Causes of snoring
The causes can be multiple. The anatomy of the respiratory tract, with a narrow throat large tongue or enlarged tonsils which can narrow the airways. But there's also overweight with excess fatty tissue around the throat which can compress the airways. Of course, the alcohol consumption can encourage the development of snoring because alcohol relaxes the muscles in the throat, increasing the likelihood of snoring. Visit position during sleep is also very important. Sleeping on your back can cause the tongue and soft palate at the back of the throat to collapse, obstructing the airway. Similarly nasal congestion can, through allergies or infections, block the nasal passages, forcing you to breathe through your mouth.
The consequences of snoring and sleep apnoea
Snoring can have several consequences. It can disrupt sleep Snoring can cause frequent awakenings and a unrefreshing sleep. Snoring can also be a source of health problems. Snoring can be associated with serious disorders such as sleep apnoeaincreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Snoring very often has a impact on relationships. The noise it causes can disrupt a partner's sleep, affecting quality of life and relationships.
How can I stop snoring with a mandibular advancement orthosis?
There is a solution: Themandibular advancement orthosis. In practical terms, this is an oral appliance used to treat snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea. The orthosis works by holding the lower jaw (mandible) slightly forward during sleep. This advancement helps open up the airways by moving the lower jaw forward a few millimetres, thereby preventing narrowing of the airways and facilitating free breathing. Mandibular advancement orthosis reduced in addition vibrations keeping the soft tissues and tongue in position, thus avoiding vibrations that cause snoring.
Mandibular advancement orthoses
During sleep, a dental splint called a orthosis advances the lower jaw by a few millimetres. This advancement clears the back of the tongue and frees up the passage of inspired airThis reduces the soft tissue vibrations that cause snoring.
Mandibular advancement, a recognised treatment
This medical solution, known asmandibular advancementis particularly prized for its effectiveness and ease of use. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated by numerous clinical trialswhich have shown that it can not only eliminate or considerably reduce snoring, but also improve sleep quality and reduce the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnoea mild to moderate.
An alternative solution to CPAP therapy
L'American Academy of Sleep Medicine also recommends the use of a mandibular advancement orthosis in cases of mild to moderate sleep apnoea and snoring (less than 30 apnoeas per hour). This solution is particularly advantageous because of its simplicity and its comfort.
In addition, the mandibular advancement orthosis is an attractive alternative for patients who find continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices uncomfortable or difficult to use. Due to its nature non-invasive and its minimal impact on the patient's daily life, it is often preferred for long-term treatments.
Patients also report better acceptance and a faster adaptation to the orthosis compared with other devices such as CPAP masks. Regular check-ups with a dentist or sleep specialist are recommended to adjust the appliance and ensure its continued effectiveness.
For more severe cases of sleep apnoea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which involves wearing a nasal ventilation mask, is generally more effective. However, in situations where the patient is intolerant of the mask or has other complications, the orthosis may also be a viable alternative, even in cases of severe apnoea.
The effectiveness of mandibular advancement orthoses
The orthosis is effective in over 90% snorersThis makes it the current standard treatment for snoring. As well as reducing snoring episodes, the orthosis can improve sleep quality and reduce daytime sleepiness, thus contributing to a better night's sleep. better overall quality of life for patients and their partners.
When should I consult a doctor?
It is advisable to consult your ear, nose and throat specialist or pneumologist, who will be able to carry out the sleep tests (polygraphy or polysomnography) needed to choose the right therapy, particularly if you suffer from sleep apnoea. Sleep apnoea generally causes extreme fatigue during the day.
The OSCIMED range of anti-snoring orthoses
At OSCIMED SA, we offer you high quality mandibular advancement orthoses. qualitydesigned to improve sleep and quality of life. Our orthoses are particularly effective in treating mild to moderate sleep apnoea and snoring problems. Their use is simple and comfortableoffering an attractive alternative. By choosing our mandibular advancement orthosesIf you're looking for a solution that has been proven in numerous clinical studies to significantly reduce snoring and improve the quality of your sleep.
What's more, our orthotics are easily customizable for each patient, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum effectiveness. Simply follow our accompanying tutorials available online in several languages. Our products are appreciated by users for their comfort and ease of adaptation. When you choose our mandibular advancement orthoses, you're adopting a more comfortable and easier-to-adapt solution. a non-invasive, sustainable solution recognised for its positive impact on daily health and well-being.