Positional treatment 

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Positional treatment, sleeping on your side

To avoid a mandibular advancement orthosis, positional treatment can be tested first.

Snoring affects a large proportion of the population and can be linked to sleep disorders such as obstructive apnoea. A simple and effective solution to this problem is to change your sleeping position by sleeping on your side rather than your back. In fact, a number of studies carried out by specialists have shown that the position during sleep plays a decisive role in the onset and intensity of snoring.

When you sleep on your back, the tongue and the soft tissues at the back of the throat tend to collapse under their own weight. This obstructive recoil partially or totally restricts the airways, causing vibrations with each inspiration: this is snoring. In some cases, this obstruction can be so severe that it leads to episodes of apnoea, preventing restful sleep. On the other hand, by adopting the lateral position (on the side), the tongue is positioned in a more natural way, considerably reducing these blockages and thus improving air circulation.

To help you sleep on your side, there are a number of sleeping aids available. positional treatment have been developed. These include anti-snoring beltsThese include padding to prevent you from rolling over onto your back. There are also anti-snoring backpacks designed to keep the sleeper in a lateral position throughout the night. Finally, the ergonomic anti-snoring pillows play a key role in encouraging people to sleep on their side, thanks to an optimal tilt that improves the alignment of the head and cervical vertebrae.

Adopting positional treatment to breathe easier at night is a solution non-invasivesimple and effective. By sleeping on their side, people affected by snoring and apnoea can enjoy a much better quality of sleep, which in turn helps them to improve their quality of life. better recovery physical and mental.